Our Clients' love in their own words! ♡

Discover our client success stories and find out why their words nourish our soul with joy.

We hope they inspire you too.

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"Our session was so beautiful that it brought tears to our eyes because of how deep we were able to go..."

"I went in not knowing what I needed to let go of, focus on, or look forward to. Alida guided me through finding out my stored trauma in a very gentle and natural flow. She taught me how I can handle challenging situations as they arise. Alida was tender, caring, and intuitive as she hit cords in me I had been negatively focusing on for months without me ever mentioning them. She also gave me insight into some of my struggles. Alida makes you feel safe to let go of these issues without any judgement. Our session was so beautiful that it brought tears to our eyes because of how deep we were able to go in an hour. My session with Alida was priceless."

- Emily (US)

" Alida helped me to work through difficult past moments in my life that I have not been able to remedy in regular therapy..."

"Wow where can i start?? Alida is such an incredibly gifted individual who carries so much power of the heart. Alida helped me to work through difficult past moments in my life that I have not been able to remedy in regular therapy/counseling.

She is very comfortable to work with and is sure to walk you through the process gently. This is a service I am going to recommend to all of my friends because her work is truly healing. Thank you!! "

- Adriana (US)

"Alida's combination of trauma release and manifesting support has allowed me to let go of long-held limiting beliefs ..."

"I have been working with Alida for a few months and her coaching has completely transformed my experience of life! Alida's combination of trauma release and manifesting support has allowed me to let go of long-held limiting beliefs and patterns of self sabotage and I now feel free to create the things I've always wanted in life.
I feel lighter and more expansive in my body than ever. I wake up in the morning feeling peaceful and excited for the day - this is huge for me! ... Alida is such a gifted healer and I am so grateful our paths have crossed. She has opened up a whole new world for me that I didn't even know was possible. I finally feel like I am out of survival mode and I get to live a life full of possibilities, joy, and play!"

- Michelle (US)

" I came out with tools that will be helpful in my daily life"

"Alida made me feel very safe and supported. We had a very good session. Even in just one session I feel movement and I came out with tools that will be helpful in my daily life. I recommend anyone considering it, to try a session with Alida.
thank you Alida for sharing your knowledge and practice. It was a pleasure meeting you."

- Serena (US)

" It was empowering to see and feel my progress. I highly recommend Alida's coaching!"

"Alida is very knowledgeable and caring! I always received helpful information and actionable practices in each call. I loved having her support and could always feel her dedication and commitment to me and my personal growth. She supported me through issues I've never discussed with anyone else- it was empowering to see and feel my progress. I highly recommend her coaching!"

- Samantha (US)

" Our sessions left me feeling liberated and confident in my soul!"

"I highly recommend Alida to anyone seeking to get down to the roots of their struggles and pluck them out so they can lead their best life. Her compassionate nature and intuitive guidance achieves results! I'm so grateful she helped me to untangle limiting beliefs. Together we discovered that many were passed down to me subconsciously and she taught me how to update my belief systems to the truth of who I am. Our sessions left me feeling liberated and confident in my soul. It's a true privilege to work with Alida! "

- Christa (US)

"Alida helped me move through a lot of heavy feelings, which I was resistant..."

"Alida was always so grounded in our sessions. Every session, her energetic capacity to hold space felt so safe, allowing me to open up the curtains and look at the parts of me I might not want to when I’m by myself. Alida helped me move through a lot of heavy feelings, which I was resistant to move through on my own. And the best part is, her method makes it so easy!! Thank you, Alida for sharing your magic in this world"

- Corinne (Canada)

"I felt so seen and supported."

"These sessions were so amazing! Alida does an amazing job holding space and I felt so seen and supported. I noticed so many shifts during our time together - I truly believe in this work and Alida does a great job of walking through the concepts on the call in simple steps. Alida also did a great job of providing homework and follow up emails - I honestly can't think of anything! Keep going! "

-Lauren (US)

"...now I’m armed with tools to help me flow through the life I actually want ..."

"If you haven’t worked with Alida yet - I HIGHLY recommend her!! Not only is she amazing at what she does - it’s so evident that it’s a safe and non judgmental space to clear out what is no longer serving you… She has such a gift of digging down deeper and asking great questions to find the root of the deep issues we’ve been carrying around for so long and then helping us actually clear it out!! And now I’m armed with tools to help me flow through the life I actually want with a lot more ease! My sessions with her were life changing and it’s like I can see clearly again after years of wandering!! THANK YOU Alida!! ❤️

-Becky (Canada)

"The tensions were removed, my mind started to flow again "

"Even though we were on different continents, it really felt like we were sitting in front of each other on the same table. I sometimes have fears coming up, ancestral beliefs about things not being possible that we cleared straight away. The tensions were removed, my mind started to flow again and I now am so much in tune with my creative power and, this is more difficult for me: the trust that I can make it on my own. I can set my prices, I can sell my art, and I am amazing at it."

- Nathalie (Belgium)

"Alida is such a natural and gave me the space to share and express myself."

"This discovery session with Alida was one of a kind! Loved her beautiful presence and warmth. She is such a natural and gave me the space to share and express. Her intuitive insights about me were bang on too. I also really admire Alida's generosity in sharing ressources after a preliminary call. Alida's drive to help people is genuine and I'm so glad I connected with her!"

- Sukun (India)

"She made me feel that my goal is not only a possibility, but a certainty. "

"I came to Alida with a specific goal in mind but she quickly identified a goal that is more relevant and important for me at this time. Her friendly, approachable demeanor made it very easy for me to open up and I felt like I was talking to a friend I knew for ages. She effectively guided me to a clear understanding of the work I needed to do and gave me practical and accessible tools to support it. She made me feel that my goal is not only a possibility, but a certainty. My session with her was incredibly valuable, not to mention deeply enjoyable!"

- Olga ( US)

" I love how she showed the path inwards."

"I love how Alida cleared my uncertainty with such positivity and care. She made me look at things without labeling them good or bad. I love how she showed the path inwards. I will reach out whenever I start doubting myself or the circumstances."

- Ash (US)

"She gave me more confidence to keep going and grow."

"The session was impactful, and I received more than I was expecting. I understand better what is blocking me, and how I can gain more clarity for my future vision. I'm truly glad to have had this session with Alida. She gave me more confidence to keep going on my path and grow, with a better understanding of myself and to keep working on my vision. Thanks, Alida, keep your beautiful energy!!!"

- Eliot (Spain)

" Enabled me to breakthrough and walk into my divine inspiration with confidence."

"Alida was really spot on in her assessment of my situation and energy. She was able to assist me to seek guidance from my heart and to help me understand how to find confirmation from my own body as opposed to my head! I loved the exercises she asked me to do. It really brought out some healing, enabled me to breakthrough and walk into my divine inspiration with confidence."

- Teresa (Malaysia)

Trauma Release Client Review for Alida Diosa 1
Trauma Release Client Review for Alida Diosa 3
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Trauma Release Client Review for Alida Diosa 6

Are you ready to discover your true self and thrive?

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Whether you're curious about trauma issues, have questions about our services, or simply want to connect with Alida for any other reason, we're here for you!

Ready to get in touch? Click below!

Reach out to Alida

Whether you're curious about trauma issues, have questions about our services, or simply want to connect with Alida for any other reason, we're here for you!

Ready to get in touch? Click below!

Trauma Release FAQs

What is Trauma Release Coaching? ..and how can it benefit me?

Trauma Release Coaching, guided by Alida's expertise, offers a safe and supportive process. It gently and permanently aids in healing past traumas, whether stemming from childhood, trauma bonding, generational trauma, traumatic experiences, or unknown origins, including PTSD. Our tailored sessions provide invaluable insights, coping tools, and emotional liberation, empowering you to lead a more fulfilling life. If you're seeking to hire a coach or, even better, a specialized trauma coach, you're in the right place. Our approach addresses your unique needs, fostering lasting positive change, a sense of freedom, and deep personal growth Learn more about Alida Diosa | Trauma Release Coach.

More about PTSD: https://www.mayoclinic.org

How does Trauma Release Coaching differ from traditional therapy or counseling?

Unlike traditional therapy, which delves into extensive mental analysis, Trauma Release Coaching unveils a profound understanding that trauma can become insidiously stuck in the in the body. This unique approach harnesses the body's wisdom to release emotional blocks swiftly, offering practical strategies for rapid growth and transformation. Guided by expert Alida, our coaching ensures a supportive and effective process, emphasizing the importance of addressing trauma through the body rather than a purely logical mind approach. This approach is particularly beneficial for those who need to move fast in their healing and personal development.

More on How Trauma gets stuck in the body: https://www.psychologytoday.com

How does Trauma Release Coaching work if I don't remember or don't know what happened to me?

Alida's Trauma Release Coaching is skillfully crafted to assist individuals, acknowledging that they may experience dissociative amnesia, wherein traumatic events are not fully remembered or comprehended. The emphasis lies in releasing emotional blocks, collaborating with the body's wisdom, and nurturing healing. This approach enables you to undergo positive changes and growth, even if the specific details of past traumas remain elusive. With Alida as your expert coach, expect compassionate guidance throughout your healing journey. Understand more about Trauma in our online lecture "Our hidden Traumas"

More about dissociative amnesia: https://my.clevelandclinic.org

What types of traumas or issues does Trauma Release Coaching effectively address?

Trauma Release Coaching provides comprehensive support for a range of issues such as past abuse, loss, anxiety, relationship challenges, and self-esteem issues. Even when the origins of trauma are unclear, this approach effectively releases trauma. It is particularly effective for addressing phobias, performance anxiety, body image concerns, and grief, while also promoting the establishment of healthy boundaries and self-worth. Clients drawn to work with Alida often suspect that their obstacles might stem from childhood trauma, as is often the case. Through this coaching, tools are provided to empower individuals to continue their transformative journey independently, ensuring long-lasting progress. Here is a a comprehensive list of problems Alida can help you with.

More about Childhood Trauma: https://www.verywellmind.com

Is Trauma Release Coaching the Right Choice for Me?

Absolutely! Trauma Release Coaching is a powerful and specialized approach that goes beyond traditional life coaching. Instead of hiring with a life coach, consider the significant benefits of working with a trauma release coach, like Alida. Our proven approach, integrating somatic experiencing, is designed to help you heal and release past traumas, even when you don't fully understand their origins. With personalized sessions, you'll gain valuable insights, coping tools, and emotional freedom, empowering you to live a more fulfilling life. Our focus is on your unique needs, promoting lasting positive change and growth. Click here to understand more about Alida's process of Trauma Release.

Scientific research supports the efficacy of Somatic Experiencing in trauma release: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

What is Trauma Bonding and its Connection to Trauma Release Coaching?

Trauma bonding involves a strong emotional tie formed between an individual and an abuser, often due to cycles of abuse and occasional kindness. It commonly develops during formative years, influencing behavior and relationships unconsciously. Trauma Release Coaching, led by expert Alida Diosa, specifically addresses these bonds, guiding individuals to break free from their effects, even if the origins of these emotional ties are not remembered. This coaching supports individuals in overcoming trauma bonding, enabling the development of healthier relationships. Take a look at some successful client stories.

More about Trauma Bonding: https://www.healthline.com

How does generational trauma impact individuals, and how can Trauma Release Coaching address it?

Generational trauma and transgenerational trauma are intertwined concepts that delve into the enduring effects of emotional wounds across family lines. Generational trauma, deeply ingrained in familial history, profoundly shapes an individual's behavior and emotional well-being. There exists an almost unconscious fear of releasing this trauma, rooted in a deep-seated concern about severing ties to one's lineage. Trauma Release Coaching, led by the expertise of Alida Diosa, is dedicated to recognizing and confronting these inherited emotional wounds. Within this tailored approach, individuals can disrupt the generational and transgenerational cycles of trauma, paving the way for healing and cultivating a stronger emotional foundation to reclaim their lives.

The link between genetic trauma research, exemplified by studies on events like the Dutch famine and the Holocaust, underscores the pervasive impact of trauma across generations, influencing factors such as health and mental well-being.

More about the Genetics of Trauma: https://psychcentral.com