Unleashing the Power of Embodiment: From Disconnection to Vibrant Living


Alida Diosa

"How we relate to our own bodies influences how we relate to all aspects of life."

-Patricia de Jonge

For years, fear and disconnection consumed my life. Daily anxiety and seizures and an ever-present dread of leaving my bedroom left me feeling trapped and disassociated from my own body😔. I was unable to connect with others and lacked the empathy and understanding that comes with a strong sense of embodiment. I was living in a prison of my own making, unable to see the joy in life and drowning in fear.💔

But my experience inspired me to seek out ways to heal and reconnect with my body. And that's when I discovered the Subtle Body Method. Through this method, I was able to connect deeply with my body's wisdom and find my way back to a life filled with joy and purpose. It was such a powerful experience that I became a certified practitioner myself, so that I could help others on their own healing journeys.

The first step towards embodiment was to make the commitment to my healing journey and trust in the process. I had to acknowledge the pain and fear that had been with me for so long, and slowly work to release it. It wasn't easy. Fear and disconnection had been my constant companions for so long that it was difficult to trust my body and let go of the things that were holding me back. 😓

But through patience and persistence, I learned to trust the process. I let go of my fear and began to reconnect with my body in new and meaningful ways. And as I did, I began to experience a sense of joy and lightness that I hadn't felt in years.🌈✨

Here are some action steps that can help you reconnect with your own body:

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to connect with your body and the present moment.🧘‍♀️
  • Explore different types of movement and find what feels good for your body.🏃‍♀️💃
  • Practice mindful breathing and observe the sensations in your body.
  • Engage your senses through sensory grounding exercises like touching different textures, smelling essential oils, or listening to calming music.🌿🎶
  • Spend time in nature to help ground yourself and connect with your surroundings.🌳🌞
  • Try self-massage or bodywork to release tension and increase body awareness.
  • Check in with your body throughout the day and notice any physical sensations or emotions.
  • Practice mindful eating and pay attention to how your body responds to different foods.
  • Set boundaries that honor your physical and emotional needs.🚧🙌
  • Connect with others and build meaningful relationships that support your journey towards embodiment.
  • Seek out support from a practitioner trained in Somatic therapy or the Subtle Body Method like myself.🤝🌸

Remember that embodiment is a journey, and it's one that takes time and patience. Celebrate your progress🌈✨, no matter how small, and trust that with each step you take, you're moving closer to a life filled with joy and purpose.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck, don't hesitate to seek out guidance from a practitioner who can help guide you on your journey. And if you're ready to take the next step towards embodiment, I invite you to book a session with me. Together, we can work towards reconnecting you with your body's wisdom and creating a life filled with joy, purpose, and meaning.

Conclusion 🌼

Embodiment is a journey towards self-discovery and a life filled with purpose and joy. By committing to healing and trusting the process, we can release fear and reconnect with our bodies. Through practices like mindfulness, movement, sensory grounding, and the subtle body techniques we can build a stronger sense of embodiment, joy and fulfillment in life.🌟🌈🌻🌸

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