The Power of Commitment to Ease


Alida Diosa

"Commitment is an act, not a word."

- Jean-Paul Sartre

Many of us desire change in our lives, but often find ourselves stuck and unable to make the necessary shifts. The missing piece of the puzzle is commitment, which is the spark that ignites the internal process of change. When we commit to something, we activate our willpower and align our entire being towards that goal. ✨

It's important to recognize that life is happening for us, not to us. We are the creators of our reality, and even the challenging experiences hold the potential for transformation and growth. By accepting and loving all parts of ourselves, even the ones we may not like, we can begin to make real change. 🌱

Lastly, I would like to highlight a powerful technique that I use every day with myself and my clients called Subtle Body Coaching. Through this technique, we can reach the perfect moment of readiness where commitment comes easy. Subtle Body Coaching involves working with the subtle energy system of the body, helping clients reduce or eliminate fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs in just a few sessions. With Subtle Body Coaching, my clients experience a transformation from "I'm not sure" to "I got this!" in achieving their desired goals. 💫

Action steps to cultivate commitment:

  • Engage in self-inquiry by asking: 🤔 What am I wholeheartedly prepared to commit to? Begin immersing yourself in this potent practice of exploring the facets of your life where you're poised for complete dedication.
  • Hand-write a commitment letter to the part of you or your life in which you feel ready to commit. Observe how that aspect of your life becomes easier than before. 📝
  • Assess the level of commitment you have towards your heart. Are you willing to live a heartfelt life? Are you your priority no matter what? ❤️
  • Create a plan and take action: Once you have identified what you are ready to fully commit to, create a plan to achieve it. Break down the goal into smaller, actionable steps and make a commitment to take consistent action towards it. 📆
  • Hold yourself accountable: Find someone who can hold you accountable for your commitments. This can be a friend, family member, coach, or mentor. Share your commitment with them and ask them to check in with you regularly to see how you are progressing. 🤝

If you're struggling to cultivate commitment on your own, seeking help from a coach or mentor can be a great way to get started.

While committing to change can be challenging at first, with guidance and support, you can develop the necessary tools and mindset to make a real shift in your life. Remember, committing to your goals and desires is a process, and it's okay to seek help along the way. As you continue to practice and integrate commitment into your life, you'll find that it becomes easier and more natural over time, leading to greater success and fulfillment. 🚀

Conclusion 🌼

In the tapestry of life, commitment acts as the vibrant thread that weaves our aspirations into reality. It is the force that propels us past the realm of stagnation and doubt, igniting the fires of change and growth. Embracing commitment means embracing the power to shape our narrative, to dismantle the barriers that hinder progress, and to step into the fullness of our potential. As we infuse our actions with dedication and intention, we transform the abstract into the tangible, and the realm of possibility becomes our playground of achievement. Let commitment be the compass that guides us toward our dreams, empowering us to make meaningful strides and nurturing our evolution along the way. 🌟

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