Decoding Resistance: The Hidden Wisdom of the Heart


Alida Diosa

The Hidden Wisdom of the Heart

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

- Rumi

Back in the late '90s, I embarked on a journey to embrace a healthier lifestyle, diligently following the prevailing wisdom of the era. It involved a checklist of healthy practices: the daily consumption of eight glasses of water, avoidance of fats, substituting sugar with sweeteners, and a steadfast commitment to at least one hour of rigorous exercise. It's fascinating how current science has since illuminated the shortcomings of these practices that were considered healthy back then. My ambitious routine at that time resembled a subscription to "Healthy Living with Myself." It was meticulously planned: wake up at six, drive to the gym, spend an hour spinning, and voilà! However, there was a glaring problem – despite my meticulous planning, pre-paid gym subscription, and new sportswear, my journey towards health was more of a fiasco than a success.

The Grand Illusion
Visiting the gym turned out to be an infrequent event. I felt a sense of accomplishment on the rare occasions when I managed to show up, but I was also plagued by guilt over the money I had spent on the neglected gym membership and sportswear. What I hadn't realized back then was that my inner self and my biology vehemently disagreed with my mind's cosmopolitan agenda. This disconnect between mind and body wasn't an isolated incident; it was a scenario that many of us have experienced, where our logical minds chart a course that our bodies firmly resist. Over time, I came to understand that this misalignment wasn't a matter of discipline, as I had once believed, in fact, the truth ran much deeper.

The Heart's Dominion
This divergence between mind and body is a universal phenomenon, rooted in the fact that our intellect, the logical mind, frequently crowns itself as the leader of our existence. Our bodies inherently recognize the sovereignty of the heart. The heart governs our existence, and this truth becomes evident when we reflect on those moments where decisions flow with ease and joy. Such moments are a result of decisions originating from the heart, devoid of hidden agendas. It took me years to distinguish between the mind's pursuit of recognition and external validation and the heart's pure, unencumbered intentions.

Confronting Resistance
The name of this misalignment between the heart and the mind is resistance, and it can manifest in various forms: procrastination, forgetfulness, mental fog, avoidance, anxiety, and more. In reality, resistance is a subtle form of fear, often too subtle for us to recognize as fear. This is why resistance rears its head swiftly when our bodies sense discomfort or perceive a situation as unsafe. It's a signal that we're out of sync with our true intentions, particularly those of the heart.
My personal experience of attempting to adhere to a societal recipe for healthy living, devoid of consideration for my true desires, was genuinely frightening for my body. It was a journey marked by utter misalignment. In hindsight, I'm grateful it unfolded that way.
Understanding resistance as a faithful messenger of our bodies is the initial step toward effectively managing it when it emerges.

Bridging the Divide
The path to overcoming resistance lies in dialogue. Engaging in an open conversation with our bodies allows us to ask a fundamental question: 'What am I truly afraid of?' This gentle inquiry invites our bodies to express their discomfort and hesitations in their unique ways. It serves as an antidote to the imposition of mental agendas.
Conquering resistance hinges on rebuilding the bridge between the heart, body, and mind. This bridge is often weakened when we lose touch with our inner selves, especially when we disconnect from the true ruler, our heart. Rediscovering this connection is the key to reducing resistance and fostering cooperation. Effectively addressing resistance necessitates a deep dive into its roots. It's not enough to recognize its presence; we must delve further to understand its true origins.
Here are some guiding questions to help you unearth the underlying fears that fuel resistance in whatever form it may take.

Asking the body about resistance:

  • Body, what physical sensations or discomfort let me know I am out of aligment?
  • Body, what is your bodily response when I contemplate taking action in line with my heart's intentions?
  • Body, how do you signal to me that I'm out of sync with my genuine desires?

Asking the Heart directly:

  • Heart, what desires and intentions truly resonate with you and bring me joy and fulfillment?
  • Heart, how could I know better when I feel the most alive and authentic in my choices?
  • Heart, what actions align with your wisdom, free from external expectations and validation?

Conclusion: Embracing the Heart's Wisdom
Our odyssey through the pages of misalignment has revealed a profound truth - our journey to a healthier and more harmonious life isn't about rigidly adhering to societal ideals but listening to the wisdom of our hearts. As I discovered, pursuing a path not aligned with my inner self led to resistance, not for a lack of discipline, but because it wasn't in tune with my heart's intentions.
In conclusion, the heart is the compass that guides us toward genuine, fulfilling choices. Recognizing resistance as an ally and engaging in a dialogue between heart, body, and mind is the key to unlocking your true potential. By unearthing the fears that fuel resistance, you pave the way for self-discovery and healing.
This journey is an invitation to embrace your authenticity, nurture your emotional well-being, and empower yourself by aligning your heart's desires with your actions. As you do so, you'll find the power within you to transform your life into a harmonious, joyful symphony.

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