Golden Butterfly LOGO as a symbol of transformation

Au-Clearing Session

Banish Negative Energies, Reclaim Your Peaceful Space!

Are You Dealing with This?

Defeated Woman with her hands on her face,  because it Feels like bad vibes

Feeling constantly drained or fatigued despite adequate rest?
Experiencing unexplained fear or anxiety without a clear reason?
Struggling with a persistent feeling of being stuck or unable to move forward?
Are you experiencing more frequent nightmares than usual?

This could be blocking your personal growth and happiness because these symptoms often occur when your energy field is disrupted by lingering negativity or external negative influences. An energy clearing can help remove these blockages, restoring balance, peace, and safety.

Two people arguing, symbolizing Yucky or negative energy at home

Is your home experiencing a sudden increase in frequent arguments or tension?
Are your pets acting unusually or appearing agitated in your home?
Feeling an unusual coldness or heaviness in certain areas of your home?
Noticing frequent electrical issues or flickering lights without a clear cause?

An energy clearing could restore peace and harmony by removing lingering negative energies, repairing energetic imbalances, and creating a more welcoming and positive environment for you, your family, and your pets

3 people in conflict at work because it feels like negative or weird vibe

People constantly getting sick or injured at work?
Employees are feeling unusually stressed, overwhelmed or an anger outburst?
Frequent misunderstandings or conflicts among staff?

Printer or coffee machine always breaking down, acting up, or not performing as it should?
Sales are down and money flow is not coming in?

A clear energy workspace, free from negative influences, can improve dynamics by removing the source of negative symptoms. This creates a harmonious environment where productivity, health, and financial success can grow and thrive without blockages.

Alida Diosa, expert in Energetic clearing offers a clear and renew you, symbolized by a beautiful view of a clear sky and rainbow

Don’t let negative energies control your life. Take action now and transform your space into a sanctuary of peace and positivity.

What is Au-Clearing?

AU-Clearing is a unique energetic process that removes negative or stagnant energies from your field and space, allowing positive, high-vibrational energy to return, take root, and flow freely, supporting lasting growth and harmony

‘Au’ refers to gold, symbolizing the highest standard of frequency.

This process, led by Alida Diosa, is grounded in an effective clearing method perfected through training and experience, helping countless individuals remove negative influences. Each session is personalized, with Alida and her team remotely clearing your energy field and home or workspace to remove disruptions like accumulated envy structures, negative infiltrations, and false light entities.

This work reconnects you to your true essence—peace, clarity, and light—ensuring your energy and environment are renewed, uplifting, and aligned with your highest good.

Au-Clearing Session Includes

Icons representing that the clearing service includes personal plus home, or business energy clearing in one comprehensive session
Icon symbolizing personal energy clearing, featuring a figure surrounded by a protective and cleansing energy field.

Personal Clearing

Feel the immediate relief as we lift away the weight of negative energies. Our sessions remove detrimental energies, leaving you feeling refreshed and aligned with your true essence

Icon representing home energy clearing, with a house enveloped by a harmonious and revitalizing energy field.

Home Clearing

Transform your living space into a sanctuary of peace. Our home clearing services eliminate negative energy, ensuring your home feels light, welcoming, and vibrant.

Icon illustrating business energy clearing, showing a building surrounded by a focused and purifying energy field.

Workspace or Business Clearing

Watch as your workspace transforms by by removing energetic barriers and negative influences that block success and productivity.

Start Your Transformation Today!

Schedule an Au-Clearing Session NOW

All of our clearing sessions are done remotely, you will receive a link to access the recording of the Au-Clearing Session.

Please add any needed specific information on the scheduling section.

Millennia of Wisdom to Clear Negativity

Image of a home that feels negative and heavy

Imagine entering a room and feeling an inexplicable heaviness. This sensation may be due to the buildup of negative energy, which can spread like a virus in our environments and affect our mood and vitality. For thousands of years, practices like Feng Shui have emphasized the importance of clearing such energy to maintain wellbeing, harmony and health. Similarly, smudging and Vastu Shastra are ancient techniques used to purify spaces and balance energies.

Modern science, particularly in fields like psychoneuroimmunology, supports this ancient wisdom, showing that negative emotions or negative influences can weaken our immune systems.

That's why it's essential to trust someone trained in handling the various types of negative expressions that might be harming your energy field, home or work space. The AU Clearing Session led by Alida Diosa has a proven record of restoring balance, ensuring you experience the highest possible frequency—just as "AU," the symbol for gold, represents the purest standard.

Joyful woman leaping in a bright kitchen, celebrating a space cleared of negative energy through an Au-Clearing Session

Why Choose Au-Clearing?

Because you deserve a space free from negativity. Our unique blend of expertise and compassionate care ensures that you’ll experience a profound shift in your environment—and your life.

When you choose an Au-Clearing session, you’re choosing a deeply personal service led by me, Alida Diosa. In just one powerful session, I work closely with my team to eliminate the heavy energies that may be disrupting your personal space, home, or work environment.

My team and I specialize in the effective removal of curses, entities, energetic implants, negative influences in your field or outside your field, etc, no matter their origin, we clear it!

Alida Diosa with a glowing gold background, symbolizing the transformative power of an Au-Clearing Session.

This isn’t just a service; it’s a transformative experience. With a proven track record of countless satisfied clients, my approach combines intuition, expertise, and compassionate care to ensure you receive the best possible results. Trust me and my team to elevate your space and energy, leaving you with a renewed sense of clarity and peace after just one session.

Schedule an Au-Clearing Session NOW

Satisfied clients have shared their deep appreciation!

Trauma Release Client Review for Alida Diosa 2

" Alida helped me to work through difficult past moments in my life that I have not been able to remedy in regular therapy..."

- Adriana

Trauma Release Client Review for Alida Diosa 3

" I came out with tools that will be helpful in my daily life"

- Serena

Trauma Release Client Review for Alida Diosa 1

"Our session was so beautiful that it brought tears to our eyes because of how deep we were able to go..."

- Emily

Trauma Release Client Review for Alida Diosa 4

"Alida's combination of trauma release and manifesting support has allowed me to let go of long-held limiting beliefs ..."

- Michelle

Common Questions from Clients

Q: What is energetic clearing, and how does it work?

A: Energetic clearing is a process that removes negative energies from spaces and individuals, restoring balance and harmony. This is achieved through techniques such as smudging, visualization, and energy healing, all aimed at purifying the environment and enhancing the energy flow.

Q: How do I know if I need an energetic clearing?

A: If you’re feeling heavy, stuck, experiencing recurrent nightmares, or facing persistent negative thoughts and unexplained negativity, it might be time for an energetic clearing, and sometimes you just know, trust this inner knowing. This process refreshes your personal energy field and space, helping you regain clarity and peace.

Q: Can energetic clearing help with selling my home or improving my business?

A: Yes, clearing stagnant energy can create a more inviting atmosphere, potentially attracting buyers and boosting business productivity. We frequently assist realtors with homes that are difficult to sell, offering a fresh start for both residential and commercial spaces.

Q: Is energetic clearing the same as space clearing?

A: Energetic clearing and space clearing are related but distinct processes. Energetic space clearing focuses on removing negative energies and influences and should only be performed by trained professionals like us. Physical space clearing often includes physical decluttering and can be done by anyone. However, where there is recurrent physical clutter, there are often negative energies, and both types of clearing can complement each other.

Q: What types of negative energies can be removed during a clearing session?

A: A session can address various negative influences, such as curses linked to persistent bad luck or self-sabotaging behavior, entities, residual emotions, and other negative energies. This creates a more positive and balanced environment, promoting overall well-being.

Q: Can energetic clearing be done remotely?

A: Yes, energetic clearing is highly effective when performed remotely, as energy work transcends physical locations and is guided by intention. This approach is often more effective and cost-efficient, especially when we encounter that negative influences originate from distant geographical locations.

Q: How often should I have an energetic clearing done?

A: The frequency depends on your environment. As a guideline, clearings are recommended at the beginning of pregnancy, before a baby comes home, if a child is experiencing recurrent nightmares, when an accident has occur or was about to occur or whenever persistent negative thoughts or energies are present. Generally, a clearing every few months is advisable.

Q: What can I expect to feel after an energetic clearing session?

A: Clients typically feel lighter, more peaceful, and experience increased clarity and positive energy flow. Many are pleasantly surprised by the shift in their mood, family dynamics, or overall environment coinciding with the day of the clearing, or right the next day.

Q: Is there any preparation required before an energetic clearing session?

A: No special preparation is necessary, but setting a clear intention for the session can enhance its effectiveness. Some clients choose to light a candle for a few days as a reminder of the upcoming or ongoing energetic shift.

Q: How long does an energetic clearing session typically take, and can I be present?

A: A session typically lasts between 20 to 30 minutes, though it can extend to 40 minutes depending on the complexity and size of the space. Due to the nature of the energies involved, it’s important that only trained professionals handle the session. Therefore, untrained individuals should not be present during the clearing.